This document entails all the necessary information about our ANBI (public benefit organization) status. This status gives Dutch companies and donors tax benefits when they make a donation.
General information
Name foundation: Stichting Cherries On Top
RSIN-number: 859708317
Postal address: St. Caeciliapad 33, 6815 GM, Arnhem, the Netherlands
KvK-number: 73914495
IBAN: NL33INGB0008998989
Mission & Strategy
To take the fear out of cancer, and replace it with hope and strength!
We want to raise lots of money so we can fund promising and ground-breaking cancer research. Cancer shouldn’t be a potential death sentence, but something that can be cured. Or at least make it as manageable as, say, hay fever. Ambitious? Of course. But, hey – reach for the stars and you might land on the moon.
That’s why we created a massive donate button, a wonderful web shop with tools to support cancer patients and their relatives, and a stunning action page to help you turn your energy into cherries that will eventually contribute to curing cancer!
Our foundation
Cherries on Top was started by five friends, one of whom was diagnosed with cancer. We had two choices: rely on others to save our friend or do everything within our power to raise funds that would help find a cure for cancer. We went for the second option, and that’s how Cherries on Top was born.
The five friends and board members are:
None of us are compensated in any way for our participation. The board meets regularly to take necessary decisions, sharpen our strategy and deal with the various matters that come with the territory when you run a global foundation. If decisions are put to the vote, only a majority will suffice. All members have a single, equal vote. As a result, no individual can decide how Cherries on Top allocates its funds.
Our first-hand experience with a C-diagnosis gave us lots of new insights. One was that it can be tough to find the right words of encouragement in a situation that is so unpredictable. Cancer often triggers fear and sadness, whereas you actually want to build strength and hope. That’s what we aim to do.
Overhead costs, like maintaining and developing the Cherries on Top platform, are covered by hard work from many volunteers, wonderful partners, and sponsors, and our webshop. That’s something we are extremely proud of.
Financial prognoses
Yearly income
Sales merchandise: €50.000
Donations: €128.000
YouTube: €2.000
Yearly expenditure:
Payment of income to cancer research: €162.000
Webhosting: €15.000
Banking costs: €500
Other: €1.500